Monthly Archives: November 2016

Client Engagement in the Online Marketing World

In this article we will look at the key attributes of client engagement brought to us by onQsites, Charleston SEO gurus on a money making system that is likely to work well in the modern online marketing world. Follow the process step by step and you will be in a better position to turn potential buyers into long-term customers.

Charleston SEOLead Capture System – The entry point into these online systems should be a lead capture page. As an internet marketer your entire focus should be on driving traffic to this page to generate leads and build your email list. As long as you are delivering the traffic, then the system should do its work in the background and convert your traffic into leads and your leads into customers.

Videos – YouTube is a powerful resource for driving content to your website and increasing client engagement. If you do not have the skills needed to make your own video, there are plenty of marketers online at sites like Fiverr that will make you a professional video for only $5. The job of this video presentation is to close sales on your behalf without you needing to present the opportunity over and over again in person to everyone who comes through your funnel. If people still have questions after watching this video then they can ask you and your time will be better spent to deal with people who are still interested after first learning more about the products and your opportunity.

Email Campaign – If your funnel does a good job then some people will join your business on the spot after watching the video for the first time. This is the key to client engagement. However, most people will not join until be provided more information. This additional information is provided in an email campaign.

The email campaign should simply provide an automated email that will go out to your leads every day to encourage them to go back and check out your sales video again and again until people either buy or unsubscribe.

Sales Funnel – One of the most important parts of your automated online money making system is the sales funnel. When your customers have purchased your initial front end product then they will be sent through an up-sell sequence that gives them more products that they can buy on the back-end.

Your money making system should ideally have high ticket products for your customers to upgrade to and thus meaning big commission paydays for you as your client engagement gets easier from here out.

Save Uses Tips for Buying the Best Boat on a Budget to Attract Subscribers

Some people fall in love with the boating lifestyle and find they can not afford the cost of the boat and all the annual expenditures. Once you are hooked, you will do just about anything to get out on the water with friends and family. Before you put a second mortgage on the house or take out a small business loan to finance the boat, consider a few of these tips for buying boats on a budget.

Boats for Sale1. Consider Buying a Used Boat – Rather than falling in love with a new boat, think about this for a moment. Thousands of eager buyers bought new last year, then for whatever reason they need to get out of the deal. This mean you can score a gently used boat packed with a ton of accessories like fishing gear, safety gear, a trailer, and even a sound system upgrade. Their huge lose is going to be your gain this year.

2. Gather Information at a Boat Show – One reason you should be attending a local boat show is all the information that will be at your fingertips. At these boat shows, you will see boat manufacturer representatives who have literature, videos, and promotional discounts on hand to help with your buying decision. Not only get you get on board these boats, you can get serious deals that are not even available at the boat dealerships.

3. Shop Online Auctions – Online auction websites like eBay are packed with boat auctions listed by boat owners who need to get out of the deal as soon as possible. There are plenty of local listings of boats that are packed with bonuses and discounted to a price point that could be incredibly low compared to what you were thinking of spending on the boat.

4. Check Out Facebook Groups – One of the best free resources for gathering information on inexpensive boats is taking the time to join a few Facebook groups on boating. Local boat enthusiasts will have insane deals on the boats that are in your own neighborhood. Here you have the chance to pick the brains of these locals and even incorporate the help of the other forum users to help you choose the best possible deal for your budget.

These tips for buying a boat on a budget should get you out on the water without breaking the bank doing so. Now you can enjoy time on the water and keep some cash in pocket.

Website Keys to Showing Your Clients What to Look For When Buying An Existing Home

Be on the lookout for serious problems which may cause you significant problems and money later after you move in! It’s very smart to research when you’re looking to purchase a home you may be considering. You should know exactly what you need to be looking for? Well consider this information from Premier One, that they are giving their clients looking for homes for sale in Charleston SC when you’re shopping for an existing home:

Homes for Sale Charleston SC1) Get that home inspection on that house. This is extremely important! You be provided with information about the home you want to purchase by an independent expert. You’ll be happy you hired an inspector. It may save you major headaches! Make sure to make the home inspection a contingency of the prospective purchase agreement on the home you are considering.

2) Look at the price the existing home is being sold for. In most cases you’re able to get a lower price for an existing home. The existing home is usually in a neighborhood which is already there. The home will probably have upgrades done already. When you have children, schools are usually already established for the neighborhood that you may be planning to live in.

3) Try to steer clear of older homes which have preexisting structural damage. When you don’t, this will run you thousands of dollars over the years!

4) When purchasing an exiting house, you need to establish a home maintenance account for any repair issues in the future. You never know when you may wake up to a broken air conditioning unit or the roof has a huge hole in it and water is pouring everywhere.

5) Be sure to check out the landscaping of the house, the lawn, plants, flowers, and any bushes! When there’s potential problems with the landscaping, put that in a contingency agreement this problem must be fixed by the seller, prior to you purchasing the home. This is one of those things that is going to save you a bunch of money down the road.

6) Research and investigate any easements on the property you’re planning on purchasing. Be sure that there aren’t any easements too

7) Purchase title insurance! This is going to help to save you from issues that may come up concerning the owner of that property you have purchased.

The purchase of an older home might be great if you have done your homework before and during your prospective purchase. There are decent deals on older homes if you’ve do your research. The tips and information that you’ve learned, while you’re planning to make your purchase. You’ll be happy you did.